How to know when you’re not ok - Homs
How to know when you’re not ok - Homs

How to know when you’re not ok

Firstly, it’s normal to experience the full spectrum of emotions from time to time. The main indicators for understanding when you might not be doing so well, are as follows.

Intensity of feelings

  • This is hugely subjective but may look like feeling tearful more days than not.

Duration of feelings

  • This can often be measured by the negative impact on life; be it at work, home, or social commitments.

When considering these two factors we also want to ask ourselves, is there any situational context that’s contributing to how I’m feeling? If you’re experiencing a turbulent time in your relationship, you’re grieving a loss or you’re under immense financial strain – we can often get caught up in the chaos of it all and be unaware of just how much we’re going through. Not only can help to bring awareness to why you might be feeling certain emotions but it also allows room for self-compassion.

Whilst context can be helpful, there doesn’t need to be, and may not always be a “tangible reason” why you feel how you do. And that’s ok. A good practice to establish where you’re at emotionally is becoming familiar with the warning signs that may manifest in your mind, body, or behaviour.

Emotional warning signs

  • Irritability or agitation
  • Sense of overwhelm
  • Inability to relax
  • Apathy or numbness
  • Pervasive disappointment

Cognitive warning signs

  • Increased indecision
  • Unable to concentrate
  • Increased forgetfulness and memory
  • Constant worry or rumination

Behavioural warning signs

  • Socially withdrawing
  • Not doing or enjoying usual hobbies
  • Excessive procrastination
  • Becoming impulsive

Physical warning signs

  • Difficulty with sleep
  • Extreme fatigue
  • Increased heart rate
  • Change in appetite

This is by no means an exhaustive list OR a list to self-diagnose, it’s a few thought starters to spark curiosity about your current emotional wellbeing in reference to the intensity and duration scale.