
I had my story written down and ready to share but I couldn't hit the send button...

I had my story written down and ready to share but I couldn't hit the send button. I would like to say that I was in a position where I had conquered my mental health issues and had it all figured out but I'm not quite there yet. That being said my dark days now have light. I look forward to what each day brings rather than dreading them. I no longer have a woe is me mentality. My will is stronger and I'm starting to love myself. I'm not ready to give up and I am fighting. I will have hiccups along the way just like every other person does but every day that I fight, it gets that little bit easier to beat the challenges thrown at me. Every time I feel dark and alone I know that all I have to do is pick up the phone and that someone will happily be on the other end supporting me. The @heartonmysleevemovement is a great platform to use social media to share stories and help each other get through tough times. We are all guilty of using social media for self indulgence but this is such a powerful way to help one another. Instead of just saying it's okay to talk we need to actually talk. As hard as it was for me to share even this little bit I hope that it encourages someone I know who may be in the same boat to come forward and speak up and not suffer alone. When everything became too hard for me I spoke to my sister and told her everything. She literally saved my life. There is always someone that you can talk to! I'm no longer ashamed of my mental health nor should anyone else be!