Person peeking through blinds at the sun
Person peeking through blinds at the sun

Opportunity overwhelm

Some words of comfort for the introvert

In much the same way as a sunny day  taunts you and tells you that you're not doing enough, you're not grateful  because you should be out there enjoying it, January presents itself like an  open book, a blank page beckoning you forward to strive toward some great  achievement. 

Please know that if you're struggling to figure out what you want, or if your goals feel out of reach, that's ok.  Put aside any societal pressure or manufactured timelines and go at your own  pace. Listen to the quiet voice inside you, be present first, and when you're  ready to start looking ahead, do that. 

Now, if you're someone who is ready to  charge into 2024 with renewed vigor and big dreams...  pace yourself. Falling at the first hurdle (which you may do) is not unusual, and it's also not a reason to give up. You haven't failed.

You  only fail if you stop, and don't learn anything from the experience. 

For those tough moments, here are a  couple of handy techniques: 

Chunk it down

Take that big goal and break it into smaller parts. Halve it, halve it again, and keep halving it until you have one little thing you can do today that will get you closer to it.

Play the tape forward

This is for the hard moments and heavy  feelings that make us want to give up. Play out all the potential scenarios  in your mind, good and bad. How could things be different in a week? A year?  5 years? That time IS going to pass, so let yourself imagine the possibility of a future where you're lighter, different, more free. Being able to see all  the time between now and then, might take the pressure off whatever you're  feeling in this moment. And when the pressure is off, we can think more clearly, accept where we are now, but also have a vision of the future, which  makes the next couple of steps seem more manageable.